
When during my cycle should I get acupuncture done? Should I come just before ovulation?

Acupuncture Needles Acupuncture treatments should be done on a regular basis throughout your cycle. You can expect a limited effect by receiving acupuncture only around ovulation time. Compared to many of the fertility drugs which provide a powerful effect for a short duration, the immediate effect of acupuncture treatment is, in general, very subtle. The cumulative effect from regular acupuncture treatments, however, can produce significant long lasting benefits.
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Do you use different types of acupuncture treatments depending on the time of the cycle?

The treatments are often slightly modified in order to induce more specific effects depending on the time of the cycle. For example, one specific acupuncture protocol may be used after ovulation to maintain a low stress level and to support embryo implantation. Another protocol may be used before ovulation to promote timely ovulation and proper development of the follicle and egg.

My FSH is too high. Can you treat that?

Yes. Regular acupuncture treatments can be very helpful in regulating hormonal imbalances, although it should be noted that acupuncture does not directly alter the female hormones. Rather, acupuncture is considered to influence the hormonal regulation centers in the brain and autonomic nervous system (i.e., the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis) and as a result, improvement in hormonal status can occur over time. Certain Chinese herbs and nutritional supplements can help to bring FSH down in a matter of months.


I do not ovulate regularly due to PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or some other reason. Can you help this?

IVF, most of the time. About 90% of the patients who come in with irregular ovulation or anovulation are able to ovulate after several months of acupuncture and herbs.  The length of time it takes depends upon the severity of the condition, and the speed at which your body responds to treatment.  You can read more about the efficacy of acupuncture in treating anovulation here and here:

As I receive treatments, how do you and I know that acupuncture is working for me?

As you come in for treatments, I ask for updates on your fertility signs and symptoms. I am looking for improvements in your menstrual flow, decrease in cramps and pelvic pain, improvement in fertile mucus, etc. Some patients tell me they have never been so interested in their menstrual flow before, and are excited to see the changes occurring. If you are not taking hormones, I recommend that you record your basal body temperature (BBT) every morning. The BBT chart is an excellent method to get an idea about the female hormone fluctuation pattern and can be used to see your progress by observing changes in the BBT pattern from month to month.

The focus of our acupuncture approach is to help improve overall health. Therefore, as patients receive a series of acupuncture treatments, many of them experience easier menses and enhanced feelings of well-being such as more restful sleep, better digestion, decreased anxiety, increase of energy, etc. These physical and emotional shifts can only positively influence the chance of conceiving regardless of whether one is trying naturally or undergoing medical reproductive treatment. The ultimate goal is to make your body the healthiest future home possible for your baby.


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Is there anyone you can't help get pregnant?

Yes. If a woman has a tubal blockage, a uterine septum, severe endometriosis or large fibroids, acupuncture and herbs cannot help unless these conditions are first corrected by an RE. Often, women come to my office after receiving treatment for these conditions from their Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE). If a patient is not pregnant after 4-6 months of treatment, and has not had a workup by an RE, I always refer out to an RE for evaluation. These women often come back with answers and successful resolution to their problem.

What is your success rate?

Pregnant Belly I have treated fertility as a primary specialty since 2002 (in practice since 1999). Since that time, my success rate falls somewhere between 60-70%.

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That sounds great, how do I make an appointment?

Please call my office at (970) 223-4422. I am available:

Mondays 9:00 am-6:00 pm
Wednesdays 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Fridays 8:00 am-4:00 pm

If none of these times work for you, my husband Scott Blunk, L.Ac is here during the same hours, and he has helped many women with their fertility issues.

What can I expect at my first treatment?

When you come in for your first appointment, you will fill out a health history form, which takes about 15 minutes. Then I will take you into a treatment room, where we will discuss your history. I ask many specific questions about your menstrual and fertility history. If you have any paperwork, such as reports from an MD or basal body temperature charts, please bring those in.

I will take your pulse and look at your tongue, which, according to Chinese medicine, give lots of information about your health status. Then I will insert between 10 and 20 tiny needles into specific places in your body, primarily your arms and legs. You will rest with the needles in for 30-40 minutes. Acupuncture is surprisingly relaxing, and often patients fall asleep on the table.

What do I do in the meantime, until my appointment?

  1. I highly recommend you read The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis, PhD. It explains in depth how TCM can improve your fertility, and will help to de-mystify the process you are about to undertake.
  2. Avoid alcohol and nicotine, both of which can lower your fertility.
  3. Stop drinking coffee and caffeine (except for green tea). Caffeine constricts the blood vessels which lead to your uterus. Green tea actually helps open the vessels, and it is an antioxidant. Black tea is ok, but not as good for you as green tea.
  4. Eat only hormone free meats to avoid synthetic estrogen.
  5. Make sure your diet is filled with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

How often do I need to come in for treatment if I am trying to conceive naturally?

Three to four times a month is typical, but it depends on your diagnosis, your age, and the urgency with which you want to get pregnant. Patients who come in at this rate tend to get pregnant quickest.


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Rachel Blunk, LAc, FABORM
Fellow, American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine
2601 S. Lemay #25
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 223-4422 phone