Congratulations! You are pregnant!

A number of conditions can arise in pregnancy which are effectively treated with acupuncture.

Morning sickness/heartburn

Acupuncture is an effective way to deal with nausea without medication. Within minutes, you will feel relief from nausea and/or heartburn. Some patients need to come twice a week for a few weeks until the worst of the nausea subsides.


It takes a lot of energy to make a baby. A treatment can help boost your energy.


Many women suffer from headaches during pregnancy. Since it is advised to stay away from most medications in pregnancy, acupuncture is a very effective form of relief with no side effects.


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Sinus congestion

Increased amounts of estrogen and an increase in blood volume during pregnancy can cause swelling in the mucus membranes of the nose. Acupuncture is effective in relieving the swelling so you can breathe easier.

Mood swings

The increase in hormones caused by pregnancy can make for a crabby mommy. Acupuncture can make you feel less frustrated/moody/weepy.

Sciatica and back pain

Pregnant Belly
The increase in size of your abdomen as well as the ligament relaxing hormones released by your body can cause sciatica and back pain. These painful conditions can be quickly alleviated with just a few treatments. Many women are surprised at how quickly they get relief.


Carpal tunnel syndrome

Increased blood volume and fluid retention can create carpal tunnel symptoms. While a little harder to treat than sciatica, patients nevertheless report relief from their symptoms with acupuncture.


The baby isn't even here yet, and yet you are not sleeping through the night. Acupuncture releases calming endorphins which will help you get a good night's sleep.

Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy? Can it harm the baby?

Sleeping Baby Š, like any form of medicine, has precautions and contraindications. If performed properly by an adequately trained practitioner who has experience in treating pregnant women, acupuncture is an extremely safe procedure. In fact, it relaxes the mother and increases the flow of blood to the uterus, both of which are beneficial to the fetus. There are virtually no potential complications or side effects, even in children and during pregnancy.

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Rachel Blunk, LAc, FABORM
Fellow, American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine
2601 S. Lemay #25
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 223-4422 phone