How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture Model @istockphoto.com/GrafissimoAccording to Chinese medical theory, energy or Qi ("chee") runs through the body and along its surface in regular patterns called channels or meridians. These channels nourish and regulate the functions of the body. When the energy flows freely in these channels, health is maintained. When the energy is blocked or depleted, pain or illness results. Needling acupuncture points normalizes the flow of Qi to help correct internal imbalances in the body.

A more Western scientific explanation of acupuncture is that the stimulation of certain trigger points on the body by acupuncture needles affects the autonomic nervous system, the vascular and endocrine physiology, and the brain chemistry, as well as the body's production of endorphins.

Does acupuncture hurt?

While most people express fear or anxiety of needles before their first treatment, they are surprised by the pleasantness of the acupuncture treatment. Unlike hypodermic needles used for injections, acupuncture needles are very fine - about the thickness of a human hair. There should be very little or no discomfort with needle insertion. For your safety, only sterile and disposable needles are used.

There are certain transient sensations, not considered painful, associated with the therapeutic effects of acupuncture which may include euphoria, warmth, tingling, heaviness, distention, or numbness.


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How long will it take for me to get pregnant?

Depending on your diagnosis, it can take between 3 months to one year to get pregnant. If you are not pregnant between 4-6 months after treatment, I will refer you out to an RE or your OB/GYN for further evaluation to make sure there are no blockages in your Fallopian tubes or uterus.


For women, consistent treatment is important so specific hormonal adjustments can be made at each week of the cycle using acupuncture and herbs. Missing a week of treatment may lose an important opportunity to heal a particular segment of the four-phase menstrual cycle (menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase).

Baby with Flowers ŠiStockphoto.com/gisele A minimum of three consecutive cycles (twelve treatments) begins to regulate a woman's system regardless of biological age. However, if you will be using acupuncture with ART, the treatment period will vary depending on the success of the procedure. If the procedure is unsuccessful, most continue acupuncture for as long as they want to try to conceive. Because of the cumulative healing effect of acupuncture and its ability to increase one's fertility quotient, most patients continue acupuncture for the duration of time that the individual is trying to conceive.

Remember that trying to get pregnant is a statistical game. The more you try, naturally or with ART, the better your chances are. This applies to acupuncture as well -- the longer you allow it to correct and balance your body, the better your chances are -- naturally or with ART. Therefore, the couple must expect to devote six to nine months to consistent treatment before evaluating results. There is no quick path when it comes to conception and full-term pregnancy of a healthy child, but it's well worth the wait.


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In western terms, how does acupuncture improve my fertility?

Acupuncture helps to regulate the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian axis by increasing the levels of endorphins in your blood stream. When this is regulated, your hormone levels become balanced, your ovulation becomes regulated, and your chances of conception increase. You can read the scientific study here.

Another important way that acupuncture increases fertility is by promoting relaxation. Most modern women are busy, stressed and spread too thinly. This causes your body to be in "fight or flight" mode or in a sympathetic nervous response. In this state, blood is shunted primarily to the eyes and muscles so that you can get away from the "lion" that is chasing you (ie: deal with the stress in your life).

Acupuncture ends the "fight of flight" state, and puts you into a parasympathetic nervous response, where blood is shunted to your internal organs. In a parasympathetic state, you digest food, become very relaxed, and best of all, blood once again flows readily to your reproductive organs. Nature is smart: why would it let a zebra get pregnant if it was constantly running away from lions?

How about in terms of Chinese medicine?

Acupuncture regulates the Qi and the Blood. Think of your endometrial lining as the soil in a garden, and an embryo as a seed. If your menstrual flow is clotty, painful or dark, the soil is not aerated, and the seed is not likely to grow. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs will change your flow to be a healthy bright red, pain free and smooth. If there is not enough endometrial lining (ie: not enough soil for a seed to grow), the fetus doesn't have the best chance either. Through dietary changes, herbal formulae and acupuncture, I can help your lining increase to appropriate levels for pregnancy.


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Rachel Blunk, LAc, FABORM
Fellow, American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine
2601 S. Lemay #25
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 223-4422 phone rachel@fortcollinsacupuncture.com